Cinematically, Yours
This Week’s Movie Reviews

One of my favorite movies is Cameron Crowe's ALMOST FAMOUS, the fictional account of his budding life as a rock 'n' roll journalist. And one of the best parts of the movie is the relationship between Crowe's alter-ego - William Miller, played by Patrick Fugit, and leading Creem rock critic Lester Bangs, played by Philip Seymour Hoffman. 

     Creem magazine, the boundary-smashing music publication - and "America's Only Rock 'N' Roll Magazine," as its front covers would soon proclaim - finally gets its due in a new documentary streaming this Friday, 8/7. During his half-decade at Creem, Bangs would publish many of his pharmaceutically-fueled pieces that made him "America's greatest rock critic," - including his epic three-part interview with Lou Reed. "Rowdy...incredible." -Rolling Stone. "Vintage rock fans will be in high heaven." -Variety. "By film's end, rock 'n' roll and Creem magazine feel synonymous, as they should be." -812FilmReviews. Trailer

     OUT STEALING HORSES is a visually stunning film about our responsibility to others. Based on the best-selling novel by Norwegian author Per Petterson, the story is imbued with an extraordinary feeling for nature and the seasons. A man's quiet, solitary life is upended by a chance encounter, triggering meditations of events from a summer long ago. Director Hans Petter Moland crafts a gripping character drama spanning generations. "Extraordinary. A hugely accomplished meditation on life, guilt and responsibility." -Hollywood Reporter. Trailer

     It's a good thing that the dog gets top billing in MY DOG STUPID, because he is more well-behaved than the middle-aged, misanthropic writer who adopts him. Stupid becomes not only his best friend, but his only friend in this bittersweet dramedy starring real-life couple Charlotte Gainsbourg and Yvan Attal. Trailer

     Next Wednesday, August 12th, two great films will be starting: The newly restored 1958 classic JAZZ ON A SUMMER'S DAY featuring Thelonius Monk, Anita O'Day, Chuck Berry, Dinah Washington, Louis Armstrong, Chico Hamilton and a host of others. Also starting, the quirky French romantic comedy THE BARE NECESSITY.

     Our popcorn pop-up this past Saturday was great fun. It was wonderful to see so many of you, and your popcorn purchases help pay the bills. Thank you. We'll be back this Saturday, August 8th, from 2:00-5:00. 

Cinematically Yours,